The presence of the animal in human life becomes enigmatic when its encounter diffuses the limits between one and the other. The categories that have traditionally been proposed in philosophy put in tension the existence of a nature that marks a boundary between the human and the animal. In this idea we can find a question: will it not be that the this limit deforms in every particular encounter with the animal, making that deformation a focus of resistance to the categories of human and animal? In this article, we try to show that there is a link between the human being and the animal that makes the resistance possible. The link that is given from the concept of becoming animal that Gilles Deleuze and Félix Guattari have addressed in his work, allows us to think about the possibility of a resistance within the flux and tension of the forces, opening a space-time that prevents the codification and the form. In becoming animal, the human becomes an evanescent, imperceptible existence. In the body a vanishing point where the resistance force is poured out and the power of the herd opens up. Becoming animal makes possible the deformation of the human and with it the impossibility of coding its existence. It abandons molarity and becomes a minor existence.
Carreño Hernández, P. (2018). Animality and resistance: the imperceptible power of the herd. Revista Bricolaje, (4), 29–37. Retrieved from