This article reflects and deepens around some results acquired from studies on expressions of violence in Chile, during the commemoration of certain emblematic dates, particularly on September 11th and March 29th. Some resources or instruments come from there, as anarchist resistance linked to punk experiences in post-dictatorship Chile. According with this, it is looking for clues about the relationship anarco-punk, which culminates in what is called “anarco-punk movement” and explains precisely this coexistence. It is worth mentioning that, the positioning of this analysis in the period called “transition to democracy”, it has to do on one hand, coincidentally in its beginnings with the massification of the punk counterculture in the popular sectors. Moreover, on the other, with the resurgence of anarchist force during this period, because of the disaffection mainly of young people, with the course of the politics of those years and the means and/or spaces for political participation that characterize such a period
Bellei Córdova, P. (2018). Resistance of the anarco-punk movement in chile post dictatorship. Revista Bricolaje, (4), 49–57. Retrieved from