Contemporary fascism in Latin America manifests through groups that violently reject existencial diversity, while at the same time strenghten the financial axioms of neoliberalism. The universality of the scientific rationality appears as an epistemic violence continuum, to which the resurgent fascism turn up. To project a resistance against this advance, we will use some anti-colonial theories to analize the productions of inferiority, with the help of race, gender and class intersectionality. Self-recognition by means of appropiating the word appears as a base for the epistemic decolonization processes. However, in order to project a resistence against the enclosing produced by fascism, it is necessary to deepen into the issue through the prolific encounters between the multiple forms of living. In the face of it, and in the antipodes of occidental universalism, we find in Silvia Rivera Cusicanqui’s aymara concept of ch’ixi the seed and sprout for an epistemology of the proliferation of differences.
Inostroza Álvarez P. (2018). An epistemologies of the difference can they resist against the contemporary fascism in latinamerica?. Revista Bricolaje, (4), 58–68. Retrieved from