Tales of oral tradition and the constitution of subjectivity


  • Gonzalo Arturo Díaz Troya Universidad Laica Eloy Alfaro de Manabí


This work aims to propose a methodological didactic that encourages the development of critical thinking; to achieve this commitment an exercise is presented for showing how to do it. The tales of oral tradition are the main input. According to the proposal, their analysis and interpretation go thought four sections: “description of the literary framework”, “sociocultural framework”, “religious framework”, “normative framework”. It starts from the assumption that the tales of oral tradition latently maintain a kind of discourse that must to be interpreted, since the language in which they are expressed is constituted in clothes that does not allow them to say exactly what they want to say; thence, it is suggestive to think that the tales latently maintain a kind of discourse that support a certain way of exercising and perpetuating states of domination.


tales, discourses, domination, methodology, critical thinking


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