At the dawn of a new stage in the Anthropocene, marked by the advancement of information and communication technologies, robotics, hyperconnectivity through digital mobile devices, remote sensors, virtual reality, and artificial intelligence, science, philosophy, and society, in general, are beginning to question the ecological and ontological impacts of these technologies on human well-being as in nature well-being. In this context, this article, based on a bibliographic review of previous definitions and a holistic and biocentric approach that places nature at the center of the problem, seeks to contribute to the theoretical and philosophical discussion about the concept of ‘transnature’. Understanding ‘transnature’ as an alternative way from the one derived from the current dominant anthropocentric transhumanism approach. The idea is to contribute to the ethical and theoretical reflection on the human-technology-nature relationship in the context of the current poly-crisis, to encourage value and conceptual transformations that promote more promising futures for nature in its broad and complex notion that integrate both human and non-human beings.
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